Materials ========= Materials are used in the game to set what various surfaces in a stage should look like. In Rolled Out!, materials work by picking a base material (See :ref:`base_materials`), which comes with default values for various properties such as textures, the emissive color, refraction, etc. Stages can then create materials that override those default values, and even animate those properties. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 base_materials material_animations Example material JSON config ---------------------------- This goes in the ``/materials`` array of a stage config. More info can be found on the spec at :ref:`stage_material`. .. code:: json { "name": "material_001", "base_material": "rolledout:mat_surface_translucent_lit_generic", "animations": [ "anim_simple", "anim_colors", "anim_opacity" ], "parameter_overrides": { "base_color_texture": { "type": "texture2d", "value": "a1_png" }, "base_color_multiplier": { "type": "vector3", "value": { "x": 1.0, "y": 0.8, "z": 1.0 } }, "opacity": { "type": "scalar", "value": 0.8 }, "refraction_texture": { "type": "texture2d", "value": "refr_png" } } }