Stage config spec v0.6.0¶
Stage configs are JSON files that describe the objects, animations, metadata, materials, and other information about a
stage. A config may be placed anywhere within the game stages directory (including in nested subdirectories), but must
be named config.json
Root Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
config_version |
The config format version that this file adheres to |
Yes |
metadata |
Data that can be indexed/searched for about the stage, and to uniquely identify the stage |
Yes |
background_map |
String |
The name of the background map to load in while playing the stage See the Worlds page for a list of background map names |
No |
“” |
timer_seconds |
Int32, Null |
The number of seconds the player has to complete the stage If null, stage time is unlimited and no time bonus points will be awarded (
No |
60 |
bonus |
Boolean |
Whether this stage is a bonus stage
No |
false |
model_files |
Array[File Object] |
A list of model files to load in, that can contain multiple meshes that can be placed arbitrarily Model files must live within the game’s stages directory, otherwise the game will refuse to load it The only supported model format is .obj |
No |
[] |
texture_files |
Array[File Object] |
A list of texture files to load in, that can be referenced in materials Texture files must live within the game’s stages directory, otherwise the game will refuse to load it Supported texture extensions are .png, .jpg, .jpeg, and .bmp |
No |
[] |
spawns |
Array[Spawn Object] |
A list of spawn points, to place player balls on game start - must have at least one element |
Yes |
scene_graph |
Array[Scene node Object] |
A list of child scene nodes for the root of the scene graph |
Yes |
animations |
Array[Identifier String] |
A list of animation names that can be applied to nodes in the scene graph |
No |
[] |
float_curves |
Array[Float curve Object] |
A list of floating point curves that can be used in animations, or accessed in scripts |
No |
[] |
quaternion_curves |
Array[Quat curve Object] |
A list of quaternion curves that can be used in animations, or accessed in scripts |
No |
[] |
materials |
Array[Material Object] |
A list of materials that can be applied to mesh actors |
No |
[] |
touch_platform_groups |
Array[Touch platform group Object] |
A list of touch platform groups; each group a list of animations that can be activated when touching meshes |
No |
[] |
SemVer String¶
A SemVer (Semantic Version) string is a string that follows the format Major.Minor.Patch.
“1.2.7” is an example of a string that would match the pattern.
Additional labels to the format (Such as “1.2.7-beta3”) are not supported and will result in a parsing error.
Metadata Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
uuid |
The unique identifier for this stage |
Yes |
name |
The stage name |
Yes |
description |
The stage description |
No |
No description provided |
creator_uuid |
The user UUID of the stage owner |
Yes |
difficulty |
Int32 |
The stage difficulty, as judged by the creator |
Yes |
tags |
Array[Tag String] |
A list of tags for this stage |
No |
[] |
UUID String¶
A UUID string is a string representing a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
UUID version 4 should be preferred.
UUIDs must be formatted with hyphens between characters, without surrounding brackets (Eg: “2cef261a-11fb-4d4d-acb9-a77115ab5ad5”).
This is done for intercompatibility with other tools.
Using a different UUID format that can be understood by the game will still result in a parsing error.
Translatable string Object¶
A JSON object containing translatable text
An example of such an object would be…
"fallback": "Colorful test stage",
"en-GB": "Colourful test stage",
"en-CA": "Colourful test stage",
"en-AU": "Colourful test stage",
"ja": "カラフルなテストレベル"
A “fallback” key must be given otherwise a parsing error will be given
The fallback is used as the text for cultures that don’t have their own dedicated key/value pair.
Culture keys can consist of one or two parts, separated by a hyphen.
A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code (such as “zh”).
An optional two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (such as “CN”).
In the case that multiple keys match the current locale, the most specific one will be favored.
Eg: if both en and en-GB culture keys exist, and the active locale is en-GB, en-GB will be preferred over en.
The difficulty integer will be interpreted as a fixed-point value, with one decimal place. It must be greater than or equal to 0.
As an example, a difficulty of 10 will be displayed as “1.0”, and 25 as “2.5”.
File Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
An identifier for the file |
Yes |
file_path |
A path to the file |
Yes |
Identifier String¶
A string used to uniquely identify an element in the config.
Must be all lowercase
Cannot be empty
Must be unique throughout all other identifiers in the config
File path String¶
A string that can contain an absolute or relative path to a file
Paths starting with
are relative, otherwise paths are treated as absolutePaths must use the forward slash
as the separator as opposed to the backslash\
, even on Windows, otherwise a parse error will be givenPaths should be treated as case sensitive, even if the underlying filesystem is case-insensitive (This is such that custom levels authored on a case-insensitive filesystem still work on case-sensitive filesystems, as it common in the Linux world)
Absolute paths should be avoided for anything other than testing purposes
Tag String¶
Tag strings must match the regex
, otherwise a parsing error will be givenLowercase Latin chars or hyphens only
A tag must be 2 chars or longer
Tags may not start with a hyphen
Tags may not end with a hyphen
Tags may not consist only of hyphens
In addition (because screw figuring out regex), tags must not contain two or more consecutive hyphens
Words in tags should be separated by a hyphen
Spawn Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
An identifier for this spawn |
Yes |
transform_noscale |
The position and rotation the ball should be when spawned |
Yes |
gravity_vector |
The direction of gravity when the ball is spawned |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: -1.0} |
Transform without scale Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
position |
A point in the world |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0} |
rotation |
A rotation |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0, “w”: 0.0} |
Vector3 Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
x |
Float |
X scalar |
Yes |
y |
Float |
Y scalar |
Yes |
z |
Float |
Z scalar |
Yes |
Quat Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
x |
Float |
X scalar |
Yes |
y |
Float |
Y scalar |
Yes |
z |
Float |
Z scalar |
Yes |
w |
Float |
W scalar |
Yes |
Scene node Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
The identifier for this node |
Yes |
type |
The type of this node |
Yes |
node_data |
Typed node data Object |
Additional data associated with the node of the specified type The type of this object will vary depending on the |
No |
{} |
transform |
The transform of the node relative to its parent |
No |
{} |
animations |
Array[Identifier String] |
A list of animation names to apply to this node |
No |
[] |
children |
Array[Scene node Object] |
Nodes who will be parented to this node |
No |
[] |
Node type enum String¶
A string that can contain any of the following values
Transform Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
position |
A translation |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0} |
rotation |
A rotation |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0, “w”: 0.0} |
scale |
A scale |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0} |
Scene node data Object¶
A scene node does not have any additional data attached to it. node_data
should be left empty for a plain scene
Mesh node data Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
mesh_reference |
The mesh to use for this node |
Yes |
gravity_surface |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh should affect a player’s gravity vector |
No |
false |
ice_surface |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as an ice surface |
No |
false |
quicksand_surface |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a quicksand surface |
No |
false |
gravity_line_trace_enabled |
Boolean |
If this node is a gravity surface, line traces to this node don’t affect gravity |
No |
true |
seesaw_surface |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a seesaw |
No |
false |
collision_enabled |
Boolean |
Whether the ball will collide with the mesh node |
No |
true |
rotation_axis |
The axis the seesaw should rotate about in the seesaw’s local space |
No |
“y” |
seesaw_sensitivity |
Float |
How strongly the seesaw should be affected by the ball touching it |
No |
0.0 |
seesaw_springiness |
Float |
How hard the spring tries to return to its original rotation |
No |
0.0 |
seesaw_friction |
Float |
How rapidly the seesaw slows itself down |
No |
0.0 |
spring |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a spring |
No |
false |
spring_impulse |
Velocity (in node-local space) applied to ball on contact |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0} |
conveyor |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a conveyor |
No |
false |
conveyor_local_velocity |
Simulated velocity of the mesh if it is a conveyor, relative to the object’s local coordinates
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0} |
conveyor_uv_velocity |
Simulated velocity of the mesh if it is a conveyor, relative to the UV coordinates of where the player ball hit.
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0} |
wind_volume |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a wind volume |
No |
false |
wind_velocity |
Velocity (in node-local space) of the wind of this is a wind volume |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: 0.0} |
sticky_surface |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a sticky floor |
No |
false |
fallout_volume |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a fallout volume On entering a fallout volume, the player will fail the level for falling out of the stage |
No |
false |
goal_volume |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a goal volume On entering a goal volume, the player will complete the stage
No |
false |
warp_distance |
Int32 |
How many stages forward the goal should take you in a course, if this mesh is a goal volume.
No |
1 |
gravity_volume |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a gravity volume On entering a gravity volume, the player’s dravity direction will be changed permanently to
No |
false false |
gravity_dir |
The direction of gravity to set, if this mesh is a gravity volume.
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0, “z”: -1.0} |
trigger_volume |
Boolean |
Whether this mesh acts as a trigger volume, even if This can be used in conjunction with
No |
false |
material_slots |
Array[Identifier String] |
A list of material names to apply to each material slot in the mesh |
No |
[] |
activate_touch_platform_groups |
Array[Identifier String] |
A list of touch platform groups that should be triggered when the player ball touches this mesh
No |
[] |
:Removed since stage config v0.3.0 (Rolled Out! v0.5.0)
Axis String¶
A string that can contain any of the following values
Deprecated since stage config v0.4.0 (Rolled Out! v0.5.4.2) - The “none” axis works identically to the “y” axis
Mesh reference Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
mesh_file_name |
The file identifier to pull the mesh from |
Yes |
mesh_object_name |
String |
The name of the object in the file to use as the mesh |
Yes |
Goal node data Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
warp_distance |
Int32 |
How many stages forward the goal should take you in a course. |
No |
1 |
Wormhole node data Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
link |
Name of node to teleport the ball to when entering this wormhole. Need not be a wormhole node |
Yes |
gravity_align_self |
Boolean |
Whether to align the ball’s gravity to the local down direction of this wormhole upon exit |
No |
false |
gravity_align_link |
Boolean |
Whether to align the ball’s gravity to the linked node’s local down direction upon entry. Useful for when the linked node is not a wormhole |
No |
false |
Switch node data Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
initially_pressed |
Boolean |
Whether the switch should be initially pressed when the stage is loaded |
No |
false |
playback_speed |
Float |
The playback speed to set the given link nodes to when the switch is pressed |
No |
0.0 |
link_nodes |
Array[Identifier String] |
List of node names to be affected by the switch when pressed. Unlike touch platform groups, nodes may be shared by multiple switches
No |
[] |
button_visual |
Visual button to show in-game |
No |
“” |
Collectable node data Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
amount |
Int32 |
How many collectables the pickup should give you (usually 1, 5, or 10) |
No |
1 |
Bumper node data Object¶
A bumper node does not have any additional data attached to it. node_data
should be left empty for a bumper node.
Animation Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
The unique name for this animation |
Yes |
float_channels |
The properties to animated (with keys that refer to a float property on an object, such as |
No |
{} |
quaternion_channels |
The properties to animated (with keys that refer to a quat property on an object, such as |
No |
{} |
initial_time_scale |
Float |
The playback timescale of the animation when the stage begins (1.0 = play, 0.0 = pause, 2.0 = ff, -1.0 = rev) |
No |
1.0 |
loop_zone |
If specified, the animation will start looping once it enters the zone |
No |
No loop |
Loop zone Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
start_time |
Float |
The start of the animation loop zone (if playing backwards and we go past this point, the animation teleports to the end time) |
No |
0.0 |
end_time |
Float |
The end of the animation loop zone (if playing forwards and we go past this point, the animation teleports to the start time) |
Yes |
Data path String¶
A string representing a property of an object
Eg: “transform.position.x”
See the scene node properties for some example valid data paths for scene nodes, or look at the base material reference for the material parameters.
Float animation channel Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
float_curve |
The name of the float curve for this channel |
Yes |
transform_curves |
Transforms to apply when evaluating the curve |
No |
{} |
Quat animation channel Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
quaternion_curve |
The name of the quat curve for this channel |
Yes |
transform_curves |
Transforms to apply when evaluating the curve (Y axis transforms are ignored for quaternion animations) |
No |
{} |
Transform curve Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
position |
The time/value (x/y) offsets for the curve |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0} |
scale |
The time/value (x/y) scale for the curve |
No |
{“x”: 0.0, “y”: 0.0} |
Vector2 Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
x |
Float |
X scalar |
Yes |
y |
Float |
Y scalar |
Yes |
Float curve Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
The unique name for this curve |
Yes |
keyframes |
Array[Float keyframe Object] |
The keyframes on this curve |
Yes |
Float keyframe Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
interpolation |
The interpolation options to use between this keyframe and the next |
Yes |
left_handle |
The position and type of the left handle for this keyframe |
Yes |
control_point |
The position of this keyframe |
Yes |
right_handle |
The position and type of the right handle for this keyframe |
Yes |
Quat curve Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
The unique name for this curve |
Yes |
keyframes |
Array[Quat keyframe Object] |
The keyframes on this curve |
Yes |
Quat keyframe Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
interpolation |
The interpolation options to use between this keyframe and the next |
Yes |
left_handle |
The position and type of the left handle for this keyframe |
Yes |
control_point |
The position of this keyframe |
Yes |
right_handle |
The position and type of the right handle for this keyframe |
Yes |
Interpolation Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
type |
What method should be used to calculate points between this keyframe and the next |
Yes |
Interpolation type String¶
A string that can contain any of the following values
Handle Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
position |
The position of this handle |
Yes |
type |
The type of this handle |
Yes |
Handle type String¶
A string that can contain any of the following values
The handle type does not affect how the stage plays out - it’s only for the in-game editor.
Float control point Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
position |
The position of this control point |
Yes |
Quat control point Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
position |
The position of this control point |
Yes |
Quat at time Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
x |
Float |
The time of the keyframe |
Yes |
y |
The keyframe rotation |
Yes |
Touch platform group Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
The identifier for this touch platform group
Yes |
animations |
Array[Identifier String] |
Array of animation names which should be set to the
No |
[] |
playback_speed |
Float |
The playback speed animations should be set to when activated
No |
1.0 |
ping_pong |
Boolean |
For non-looping animations,
No |
false |
:Removed since stage config v0.3.0 (Rolled Out! v0.5.0)
:Removed since stage config v0.3.0 (Rolled Out! v0.5.0)
Material Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
name |
The identifier for this material |
Yes |
base_material |
String |
Which base material to use as a starting point for this material See the Base materials page for a list of base materials |
Yes |
parameter_overrides |
Object[String, Material parameter override Object] |
The parameters this material customizes from the base material See the Base materials page for a list overridable parameters for each base material |
No |
{} |
animations |
Array[Identifier String] |
A list of animation names that can be applied to material
No |
[] |
Material parameter override Object¶
Key |
Value type |
Description |
Req? |
Default |
type |
The type of the parameter we’re overriding |
Yes |
value |
Float or Vector2 Object or Vector3 Object or Identifier String |
The value to override with, the type of which specified by the
Yes |
Material parameter type String¶
A string that can contain any of the following values
“scalar”: Represents a number
“vector2”: Represents a Vector2 Object
“vector3”: Represents a Vector3 Object
“texture2d”: Represents an Identifier String containing the name of the texture defined in